Sunday, February 22, 2015

Working in the Digital Age

Photo by Lyndsey Letourneau

The pre-digital photographical processes were extremely complicated and time consuming. However, as time progressed, the processes simplified and it became easier for photographers to take quality photographs. The wet collodion process and the dry collodion process were both pre-digital photographical processes that included equipment and chemicals. The process needed to be completed sequentially and correctly in order to produce a great photograph. Some photographers are having issues switching from digital photography and are having trouble adjusting to the advances in technology. In the article “Photojournalist or Pack Mule? A Look Back at the Good Old Days of Wire Service Photography”, Chris Wilkins states that “one of the most important job requirements 16 years ago was a strong back. The ability to lift and travel with case after case of equipment, often weighing around 80 pounds each, was a necessity. Thanks to changing technology, those days are a distant memory”. In pre-digital times, photographers were expected to carry all of their equipment. Now, it seems as if a photographer can carry all of their equipment in one single bag. In Professor Nordell’s first video, he states that during the First Gulf War in 1991 photographers were using digital camera, but the camera was connected to a cord, which was connected to a suitcase. This made the camera portable, but not that easy to use.

The wifi enabled DSLRS have been a photographic technology that is increasingly becoming popular. A DSLR is also known as digital single lens reflex. An article published on explains the emergence of the wifi enabled DSLR and states “The Wi-Fi connectivity allows the 6D to transfer images wirelessly to a computer, the cloud, smartphone or tablet while on the move”. A wifi enabled DSLR camera makes the sharing process a lot simpler. Also, some wifi enabled DSLR cameras allow a person to upload their photographs directly to social media networking sites like Facebook. The wifi enabled DSLR camera can store the photographs in a cloud. This can allow a person to have more storage available on the memory cards.

Digital single lens reflex cameras have had an enormous impact on the world of photography. In Professor Nordell’s second video, he speaks of the portable wifi hotspot with a cell phone. He spoke about how easy it was for someone to upload a picture because it was good for time sensitive assignments and also if there was an issue with security, like at the Olympics, and the photographer could not leave but needed to upload the images, there was no problem because the wifi hotspot allowed the photographer to get the images uploaded without leaving. The wifi enabled DSLR allows the photographer to quickly upload the images to a cloud or other place. This has a large impact on photography and photojournalism because previously, photographs could not be uploaded on the spot. Another impact is that the wifi enabled DSLR cameras allow a photographer to have back up photographs just in case some photographs get deleted or a memory card is lost.

Photo by Quinn Jacobson

I have researched the wet plate collodion process and compared to the wifi enabled DSLR camera, the wet plate collodion process is extremely tedious and inconvenient. The wet plate collodion process required that the photographer bring a lot of equipment and chemicals in order to take the photograph and develop it. A wifi enabled DSLR does not require any chemicals and the only equipment that is a necessity would be the camera and maybe other lenses. The wifi DSLR camera is more convenient than the wet plate collodion process. Another difference is that the wifi enabled DSLR camera allows a person to shoot photographs of moving objects. A wet plate collodion photograph needed the subject to remain completely still in order to not produce a blurry photograph. According to an article on, “photographers also battled flies that were attracted to photo chemicals, ether that made them woozy, and the stench of death,”. The wet plate collodion process was not an easy task. Wifi enabled digital single lens reflex cameras made the photographical process easier than previous processes, like the wet plate collodion process.

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